Sunday, May 23, 2010


Ahhh, fellow bloggies and black fonts, how I miss you so! It's been full-on reno here, in prep to put the SC house on the market and get our butts moved to Houston, where we just closed on house contract #3. The RELO company was a pain in the ass down to the last minute, just like two years before. I won't go into it all, lets just say I'm not impressed when everyone we deal with makes it seem like it's the first time they have ever done their job (because maybe it is?).

On this house, of course the work and things to move becomes three-fold before your eyes once into it all. Fortunately, I was able to recruit an eighteen year old guy I met at Starbucks to help me with the work. Unfortunately, this brought to light what a pain in the ass I must have been when I was also a mouthy eighteen year old! But, we're getting it done and exterior window painting continues this week.

The new house, which I have yet to see in person, has a 2nd floor addition of 500 square feet -- the same size as my old classroom in St. Louis -- so I plan to teach art again, out of that space. This helps me avoid a lease and a pesky landlord, as well as the fact that I can check in on all of our pets during breaks. The economy is slowly creeping back so I hope for a few students.

Just a few weeks and it will be a roll-out with six cats and a dog for 1000 miles, one overnighter. Last time we did 700 miles with three cats and I'm hoping this goes just as well.

Beyond the prep, not much, been sort of living in a bubble of reno. I catch world news when I can and the BP oil ordeal is heartbreaking as well as infuriating. Bret Michaels is still alive and should be on Trump's final tonight. Lee and Crystal will face off on Idol. And that's about all I know.

So, I hope you're enjoying late spring, looking forward to summer, and getting a break where you deserve. I'll write from Houston in a few weeks, god willing, whichever one you praise, lol.