Sunday, December 13, 2009


The weekend was spent traveling to civilization -- Atlanta this time. Malls, bookstores, people -- wow. It didn't even dawn on us that the place would be nuts with Christmas shoppers.

Screenwriting related, the only thing "BORDERS" had was "Screenwriting for Dummies", and I'm beyond that by now, could have used it 100 days ago though, lol.

And, "BLOOMINGDALES" might want to take the security tag off Lovely Wife's cashmere sweater before they bag it and we find out 200 plus miles later. So, that saga will continue, not sure if a local store can undo that tag or what.

But the biggest news -- three kittens, black ones, running around a dumpster at McDonalds at "25" and the toll road, an hour from here. We pulled in for a pit stop and saw this black kitty looking up at us, next to a cinder block wall that encases the trash area. A lady and her five year old daughter, in a PT Cruiser, were chasing the cats around the structure, trying to catch them. On foot, not in the car, lol.

I told them to stop, there's tons of traffic in the area. I also said the lady should call the Humane Society, and she returned with a dummified look and left. Good. So I called Greenville H.S., and of course, they're closed on weekends. Huh? When do people adopt, or need a pet saved? Usually weekends.

We stopped by to check on the cats on the way back, I had left food and water, which was gone of course. Saw all three, left a ton of food, water, a box with a rag in it hidden in the hedges where they frolic.

Tomorrow, Caesar the dog and I will head up with the live trap, wet food, towels, rope -- all my cat-trapping gear and knowledge. I'm confident, but wild cats are smart, even when only eight weeks old. We'll give it our best shot, stay tuned!


  1. Wow! So y'all were here in "civilization", huh? Pretty crazy on the weekends. Glad you made it out alive. ;-)

    What you're doing for those kittens is SO awesome! Can't wait to hear how it goes.

    Good luck! :)

  2. So that means you'll take one if I can trap them, B.P.? ;-)

    Housetraining and free delivery included, by the way!

  3. Uh....yeah! That's what I mean. Uh huh.... ;-)


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