Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Searching the web led me to SIMPLYSCRIPTS.COM, where I downloaded my earliest reads. There is also a section for "unproduced" scripts, as they put it.

Yes, aspiring screenwriters willingly upload their scripts to public access. This might make sense if production companies trolled the site-- fact is, they don't.

It might also be an option if the readers who downloaded were actual Hollywood readers-- they're not. Their feedback doesn't even start to touch on what real readers are looking for such as a story with a structure, character traits, timing, format-- as Rossio puts it, a "strange attractor" that makes the whole thing unique.

Here's the funny thing, damn funny, to me at least: usually the reader's first question, posted on the public message board, is "who do you see being cast in that part?" From there it leads to a discussion between the poster and scribe as to whether Katherine Heigl or Reese Witherspoon is better suited for the role.

Sorry folks, but I find this hilarious!!

Okay, if you're new to screenwriting, let me explain that the question is as far off topic as whether the chicken or the egg came first. We scribes, we're just looking for a read, and hoping one day an executive will have to sit through a pitch or meeting where the topic is our screenplay. Considering casting for the part is like an amateur, home-guitarist pondering how many of his concert tour dates he can fit into one year!

Hunky male wiseguy? How about Gerard Butler, he seems to be accepting any role lately, as the "flavor of the month".
Sex siren? Can someone tip off Megan Fox or Angelina Jolie? Watch out, Hollywood agents, our script is "out there" now!

I could fill the pages-- oh my, hilarious!!

One more thing: any script with a pregnant female will be likened to "Knocked Up", as in "you probably got passed on by execs because the film is a lot like Knocked Up". Never mind it had camera shots, incorrect format, no structure-- it's because it's kind of like "Knocked Up".

Yep, I'm sure they read it and that's why they passed-- better luck next time!!

Okay, now it's your turn: cast your role, go for it, it's free, goofy, and fun!

I'm taking Steve Carell for my rom-com, I called it first!!


  1. LOL. Well don't laugh but I've got a spec out at the moment making the rounds and one of the most often asked questions I'm getting from producers and execs is, "Who do you see playing such and such role?"

    To which I very respectfully answer...



  2. UNK,

    That's the one and only perfect casting answer!

    I look forward to seeing your spec on the screen.


  3. Well, I see Harrison Ford in one of my roles ;) Helps getting the story written, haha ;)


Thanks for visiting, I hope you can see some humor in this. If you can, please bookmark or pass it on, much appreciated.