Sunday, November 15, 2009


Do you believe in your story? The script that you toiled over, day and night, or maybe just on weekends because you're paying the bills with that full-time job? How far will you go to see it on the screen? I know, completing it is task enough, and printing that much paper and drilling holes can be a daunting duty, but is that enough?

And then there's the query letter -- face it, you could spend hundreds and hundreds of hard-earned dollars in SASE's and envelopes alone, there's postage, the cost to print them. Easily they come out to one dollar per, but where do they go, in a producer's trash can (we hope they're recycling all that paper!)?

I've decided to give this script one year after launch, meaning, if it's not picked up by then I'm filming it myself. Yes, suddenly the "hotel" scene will be in my own backyard. Airport? No problem, the parking lot of a local terminal, I don't care, I'm shooting it. If I have to do the damn thing with an animation program or stick figures, whatever it is, the crude characters will be delivering my lines.

Then I'll "youtube" it, and pester whoever I can, face it, two stick figures with good action and dialogue beats most of what is uploaded into that cesspool on a daily basis anyway.

Maybe nobody will care, perhaps I'll get kicked off "youtube" for using a U-2 album as the soundtrack. But I'll make that film, that's the goal here, and anything else is icing on the cake.

But it wouldn't hurt if Fox Searchlight picked it up!


  1. True words! I just ordered two new sheets of 1$ stamps for the SASE's. I got 20 letters enroute (actually they should be already there at their offices) and haven't received a single response, yet : ( Now I got stamps for another 40 letters.


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