Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Hello everybody, just the latest update here, 111 days into screenwriting.

I spent a week on the synopsis for the completed screenplay, which I did the last checks on last night. Hopefully I'll get that on inktip.com before Thanksgiving day, who knows, maybe an exec will get loaded on the holiday and decide to call? LOL.

In other news, I cut off about six inches from my hair, which hadn't been cut since March. No longer will I have to put up with a waiter, approaching from behind, who says "so ladies...umm...and gentleman". Three times. Can you believe it?? You'd think they'd learn to just come up and say "good evening".

And women, you've sure gained some respect about the hair thing, it's hot, hard to wash, hangs in the eyes... most men have no idea.

Since we gave up meat in April (yes that means fish too, can't believe how many people think fish is not meat, it's a protein that reacts to pain, it has a mind) we're going to make a fake "meatloaf" for Thanksgiving using all the usual ingredients and our soy-based meat substitute. Somewhere out there is a lucky turkey thanking us.

The same can't be said for what our dog and cats eat, but hey, we're trying.

Last but not least, my article about the new town slogan of "The Right Size" kicked off massive debate, with a Chamber of Commerce member being quoted as saying "it doesn't matter what people think." The uproar has been amazing.

If you're turkey's not thawing right now, give up, it takes three days!

1 comment:

  1. They'll eat rice and beans on Thanksgiving, if it works, it will be permanent.


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