Saturday, November 14, 2009


No, I don't have one, lol, I was talking about the movie. It had a $40 million budget and current returns are $460 million. That's half a billion! That's enough, probably to buy Michigan, well, not all of it, but at least the city of Detroit, and then you'd have to spend another half-billion to "flip" it. Good problem to have I guess, spending that kind of money.

I haven't seen "Hangover", that's not what the post is about. What interests me moreso, are the numbers. It had a June release date, that tells me it's a good date to go with: start of the summer, kids are out of school.

I can't find the rating, but I'm guessing PG-13? Kids know how to sneak around all of this, not a factor.

Ed Helms and that asian guy from "Community" are actors in it, that would have some draw. But c'mon, Meryl Streep has a big fan base, face it -- they could have had a street performer act some of this out.

The name doesn't hurt, everyone knows what a hangover feels like, it's short and catchy. Generally, a hangover is not perceived as good, so name your screenplay something like "Nauseous" and you might have a chance.

In any case, the DVD has not released yet, so be prepared to double their take. AND -- guess what? Hangover II is scheduled to shoot October, 2010, for a Memorial Day 2011 release.

Looks like Warner Brothers will be buying Detroit and the rest of the state, and with California's problems, they might be moving the studios there too.

Prepared to be hungover.


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